Friday, December 18, 2009

Who says coverbands can't rock it?

This won't come as a total surprise to everyone BUT we do enjoy the occassional night out after the kids have gone to bed.  Finding a babysitter is not as easy as it should be but that's another story for perhaps another blog. 

Jesse works with a guy who "does sound" (I'd love to elaborate on this but for fear that the guy may be a closet blog stalker and happen upon this blog..I'll leave it at that.) for this great cover band called Slideshow.  They just started having more shows locally so we don't have to travel as far, but even with a little travel time-they are worth it.  Check out their myspace if you wanna hear what we speak of:

Anyways, this particular night was a hoot! 
Uncle Nock Nock and our good friend Phil, bringin' sexy back:
Jesse and his boss, Dan:
Lacey and I on what was one of her last nights out before pregnancy (congrats Shad & Lacey!):
Cool (me) and the Gang:
Just a night out with the gnomies:

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