Friday, December 18, 2009


Made up words are fawesome and absolutely hilarious and if you don't think so..well then that sucks.

Check out for some great made up words.  December 14th's word (or phrase):

"tiger's wife mad"-the act of being so angry at someone that you find the item they cherish most and beat them with it.

Example: Chris was so tiger's wife mad at Joe that he grabbed Joe's Wii remote and beat him with it.
Hahaha  Now I know you laughed, that was great! 
My new word:
"Masterblogger"-1. Someone who does nothing but blog, plan to blog, think about blogging and/or reviews others blogs; 2. Someone who blogs masterfully.
I submitted it today so hopefully soon I will be a part of the urbandictionary.  Now why don't you make up and useless word and try it, if nothing else you'll be tickled pink with yourself.

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