Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bitz Family Camping Pictures..better late than never!

Jesse, Cade, Jude, Madden & I headed out to the annual Bitz family camping trip at the good ole carpentars park back in July-I just never managed to post the pictures.  I was a little nervous camping with two one year olds and a three year old but thanks to Grammie and Papa the boys stayed warm sleeping with them in the RV.  Jesse and I (and some of the fam that was not too old to stay awake past 9pm) came up with a strategy to keep warm.  Drink a lot..laugh a whole lot..sit around the fire (drink and laugh some more) and then go to bed in a freezing cold tent at 3 am and tell yourself how warm it actually is.

A friendly family card game of screw your neighbor:

The wash hoe champions (Jesse & I beat my brother and his wife in the finals):


My cousin Angela & I:


Uncle David (Grandpa) & Little Miss Annie:


My niece Myriah, me & my niece Kayla (they are growing up so fast!):


Cade & Mommy messing around:


Jesse & Uncle David (the one he likes to golf with):


Jordyn & Ti Ti eating cupcakes:


Mommy & Madden:


The late night crew:


Jesse would probably kill me if he knew this was on the family blog BUT in my defense, it was 2am, I was winning at poker somehow, we were having a good time, laughing a lot and I feel that this photo probably pretty fairly sums up the evening of camping after the children were asleep of course:


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