Friday, February 5, 2010


I don't know if people like being hassled with an email everytime I post a new blog saying HEY CHECK OUT OUR BLOG! 

But since it had been a couple months since I did much on here I thought I'd send out the annoying reminder email.  But this is your notice!  I plan to stay on top of it from now, over the weekend I will have a couple new good posts and recent pictures-including tomorrow's Elton John/Billy Joel concert, so look again next week!

We love and miss you all..or at least most of you.

OH Big shout out to VP, Josh and Mini Luke who will be traveling to good ole WA and staying with us for a four day weekend of SWAP SWAP SWAP, 120 pizza rolls, perfect brownies and FAT ALBERTS!  HELL YEAH!  13 days!  There are sure to be a couple good blogs made possible due to that trip!

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