Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The journey in between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.

family Pictures, Images and Photos
Cade, Jude and Madden are growing up SO fast-we can hardly believe it!

Cade will be four in April and the twins will (already) we TWO in June.  Cade can't wait to go to school so we are going to look into some sort of preschool for him next year.  He becomes more and more independent every day.  His favorite things are cuddling with mom (duh), wrestling with Jesse, harassing his brothers and eating fruit snacks.  He loves cartoons and being outside, rain or shine. 

The twins..where to start.  They learned just last week how to get out of their beds.  Now this is new to us.  Cade did it once..got beat (literally but not badly-so no CPS reports please) and he never did it again.  Jude and Madden have not learned so quickly.  They did it approximately 20 times the first night-I almost lost my composure.  IN FACT-this brings me to our first picture:

If you look closely you will see all sorts of odd shaped wet spots on Cat's jeans as well as the couch.  And this is how it went:
Cade: (standing at the top of the stairs)  Mom the brother is out of his bed.
Me: (sitting on couch staring at Cat going "no way" in my mind)  ((silence))
Cade:  Mom?
Me: (drinking a glass of milk):  ((silence))
Cat: (looks at me and starts dying of laughter)
Me: (start laughing, spit milk all over the couch and Cat, choke)
And that's what it looked like.  I could not believe it.  Now, I just plan in it-every night.  I think Jude finally got tired of being spanked and now he just stands patiently in the corner of the bed staring at Madden climbing onto the dresser (by first emptying out and then standing in a drawer) and throwing EVERYthing off of the shelves.  The last three nights we have went in about an hour after we put the boys down and Madden is on the futon in their room, using Cade's Cars pillow and Cars comforter, all wrapped up and comfy.  Fairly cute even in his defiance.  I'll get a picture of this soon.  Other than that they really need haircuts (insists mommy), so they will get trims soon hopefully.  They are finally starting to talk more, not phrases but they have recently added "Nick" (Uncle Nick is very proud of them) and "cracker" to their vocabulary-obviously both necessities. 

As for mommy and daddy we are welcoming change.  We are in the process of trying to get a new vehicle (Chrysler Pacifica) so cross your fingers for that to happen in the next day are two.  We are also ready to move-we need a bigger place, the boys are getting older and well more loud, rowdy and bratty.  I'd love for them to have a play room instead of playing in the living room-it's hard to keep up with the Bachelor or our Mario Party with three boys running around creating havoc.  Hopefully we will move in the next couple of months and I am sure we will be in the same general area.

Daddy started playing rugby (thanks to mommy).  There is a team in Tacoma called the Tacoma Nomads.  http://tacomarugby.com/  They practice Tuesday and Thursday nights and their first games are this Saturday.  It should be fun.  Daddy and Mommy decided that since they met they have both gained a few too many pounds and are both out of shape.  Daddy has moved into action and mommy is hoping that her support of him will some how miraculously make her lose weight too.  Daddy has actually (believe it or not) boycotted mommy's baked goods.  I know we couldn't believe it either!  We are very proud of him and can't wait to watch him in action Saturday, we will be sure to take lots of pictures for our next blog :)

Mommy is excited because two of her best friends are pregnant-AT THE SAME TIME!  It is very exciting since mommy's friends need to catch up with her so we have someone new to play with.  Mommy is going to leave daddy with us and go on a girls roadtrip to Idaho in March.  None of us can wait!  Mommy wants to go play games with her friends around the clock and eat way too many snacks and daddy is just happy mommy will not be around to make him pick up his dirty socks and take out the trash.  We are happy because we know daddy is going to make Uncle Nick come hang out with us for four days of pizza, beer (for the horses, not us), video games and making messes (which mommy will be stuck cleaning up when she comes home).  We just hope she comes home because daddy shrinks the clothes if he has to do the laundry!

And that's about all our family is up to these days.  Here are some recent pictures of us all:

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